How Tarot changed my life 🌉
I bought my Tarot deck years before I actually started using it. It was 2017 (I think). I remember seeing the classic Rider Waite deck in a bookstore and for whatever reason, I bought it. I tried to interpret the tiny booklet that comes with it but it seemed too complicated. So I put my deck away in a cabinet and forgot about it. Years later, in 2019, I took my deck out and actually started to look through the cards. I was going through a tough period in life that involved messy friendships and of course, a guy. This period of life also involved me dealing with self worth issues. I began to get deeper into spirituality at the same time.
Tarot always had the truth when I needed to hear it. Being a naive 17 year old, I didn't really LISTEN to Tarot's 'advice'. But Tarot did offer wise words, no matter the question. The ‘TRUTH’. It was the classic story: Tarot would tell me the red flags about a guy, I'd ignore them, and then I'd learn the lesson. Once I actually started listening to Tarot, life got a lot calmer. With the support of Tarot and therapy (the power duo), I started setting boundaries and weeding out the unhealthy people in my life.
It has truly been a long journey filled with many different scenarios to navigate. I've always had Tarot by my side, so it has been way easier to untangle these complicated scenarios. Whenever there is a tough decision to make, Tarot is there to provide insight. Tarot doesn't MAKE the decision for me, it simply shows the various outcomes.
(A Tarot card I made, representing my vision and practice)
That's the beauty of Tarot: it doesn't take away your free will. It turns and shifts as reality shifts. Fate is an ever-turning wheel. The thing is, this wheel isn't just turning forward, it's also tilting. Our actions, our free will, is causing this tilt. Whether the wheel turns or tilts, Tarot is present to guide us.
For me, Tarot is a way to connect with my intuition and through that, with the Universe. My intuition acts as a bridge between me and the Universe. Tarot is the firefly that lights up this bridge and allows me to find the way. I will always be grateful for Tarot because it has helped me believe in myself and my inner-power. Truly my best friend!