The Life Cycle of a Star as Types of Tarot Readings
A graphic depicting the life cycle of a star, made by me!
The life cycle of a star is unlike any other living being’s (assuming that stars are sentient, which I believe they are. Perhaps a topic for another blog post!) It does contain the usual highs and lows, but even the lows carry a lot of weight (or should I say, a lot of *mass*) Each stage is infinitely interesting. It is only fair to compare it to something equally magical: Tarot. For me, Tarot is the light that guides my intuition; the way stars light up the dark vacuum of space!
Here are the types of Tarot readings as stages in the life cycle of a star:
Stellar Nebula: These are the clouds that lead to the formation of a star. They contain space dust and gas. A Tarot reading of this type is a vague one. This reading doesn’t give concrete answers like *when* or “yes/no”. This is because the answers aren’t written yet. Like a star, the situation you’re asking about hasn’t fully formed. Due to this, there are no right or wrong answers; only possibilities. You can mould the situation to your liking.
Star: As the heat and density of the nebula increases, so does the gravity. Once the nebula has enough mass and gravitational pull, a star is born (not Gaga). At the core of a star, fusion occurs that combines hydrogen atoms to form helium and energy. This energy powers the star and keeps it ‘burning’. This process is pretty straightforward. A Tarot reading of this type is pretty straightforward too! There is a clear answer to your question. A great sense of clarity comes from this: a moment of illumination.
[This is the point where the life cycle of a star splits, depending on the mass of the star. A small or medium star (with lower mass) will form a red giant. A bigger star (with higher mass) will form a red supergiant.]
Red Giant: Once the star runs out of hydrogen, the fusion stops. The core contracts due to gravity and begins to heat up. The heat causes the outer layers of the star to expand. This forms a red giant (or a red supergiant). A red giant still emits light but with cooler (average) temperatures compared to a star. This is similar to Tarot spreads! They are as insightful as the short clear-cut answers in the Star readings. However, like the heat of the core is spread out over a greater area, the insight of the reading is spread out as well. This reading is one where you have many questions about a situation so you make an intricate spread. This spread has layers of insight. A literal expansion of the question!
White Dwarf: A red giant will become unstable and expel the gas in its outer layers, leaving behind an extremely dense core. This core is called a White Dwarf. It does no nuclear fusion but is still hot enough to emit bright light. These are the mini-readings in Tarot. They don’t answer deep questions like “what is my life purpose”. They answer mundane questions and help us make small decisions. These readings don’t require a long evaluation of the Tarot card. One look at the card will answer your question. For example: “Should I buy this ring?” *Ace of Pentacles in reverse* A quick glance will tell us that we should probably wait to buy that ring. (Example taken from real life)
Black Dwarf: After a white dwarf uses up all its energy, it cools down. This makes it darker as well, forming a black dwarf. A Tarot reading of this type is an unclear one. There isn’t an intuitive message that immediately jumps out at us. Sometimes that is Tarot’s way of telling us that the situation doesn’t require a reading or we should come back later, when we are in a different state of mind. The lack of clarity is a message in itself: the answer will come to you at the right time, perhaps through a different channel than Tarot!
Supernova: A red supergiant will explode in a brilliant burst of light and energy called a supernova. This can be considered the ‘death’ of a star but the material ejected from the star can lead to the formation of new stars in distant nebulae. A Tarot reading of this type is memorable. It leads to a big epiphany: a realization that changes your outlook on life. Just like a supernova, this epiphany may lead to the end of your current emotional circumstances, and indirectly give birth to new mindsets and opportunities. Transformational in the truest sense.
[Here the life cycle of a star splits yet again! A red supergiant formed from a big star will form a neutron star. A red supergiant formed from a massive star will form a blackhole.]
Neutron Star: After the red supergiant goes supernova, what’s left behind is the core that collapsed from the gravity. This core is called a neutron star. It is extremely dense and spins rapidly, emitting strong radiations called pulsars. This is a Tarot reading that gives many messages. You look at the card and are hit with multiple observations and symbolisms to decode. Everything you see seems relevant. You are also hit with your personal biases. A message comes up and challenges your bias, so you resist. This creates confusion and leads to an overwhelming mess. Just like a neutron star, your mind starts spinning! This is when you need to slow down to acknowledge the bias and truly receive the message.
Blackhole: The supernova of an extremely massive star leads to the formation of a blackhole. The core collapses from gravity and since the mass is more, so is the gravity. A blackhole has ‘infinite’ density and zero volume. It is a single point with gravity so strong, that even light can’t escape the pull. Due to this, we cannot see a blackhole (because it doesn’t reflect any light.) This is an intense Tarot reading: one that reveals a deep truth. A harsh realization that is difficult to accept. Often painful, these readings can either pull us into darkness or liberate us. To be freed from the illusions, we must acknowledge and accept the truth. These readings are either a part of or lead to shadow work. They empower us by helping us realize the sheer depth of our soul.