The 4th House - 10th House axis: Our parental figures in Astrology

The 4th house – 10th house axis is often associated with one’s parents (amongst other things) 👪 However, as ‘traditional’ family dynamics and roles evolve, the significations of this axis change too. Let’s dive into what this axis tells you about your guardians/parental figures.

Usually, the 4th house is associated with the more maternal parent and the 10th house with the more paternal parent. 4th house energy is more nurturing while 10th house energy is more stern. The 4th house parent may try to create a safe space for you: a comfort zone. The 10th house parent may try to push you towards your best self: outside of your comfort zone.  

Our relationship with our parents is often more complicated than what I mentioned above. This is why I think that both houses can signify both parents in different contexts. The sign and ruler of a house can give us more information about these roles. Here is my own example to elaborate:

1.  Signs: I have a Libra 4th house and Aries 10th house. My dad is a Libra stellium. In a literal sense, my 4th house sign corresponds with my dad’s sign. My maternal grandmother and grandfather are Libra Suns too. My 4th house sign is also showing my relatives’ signs, specifically my mother’s side.

2.  Parents’ personality: My father is quite the laid-back person and often finds balance with his work and rest. This is quite Venusian (my 4th house). On the other hand, my mother is extremely driven and works really hard. This is quite Martian (my 10th house).

3.  Relationship dynamics: My relationship with my mother has always been smoother (Venus ruled 4th house) while my relationship with my father has faced more conflict (Mars ruled 10th house). On the other hand, my father is more relaxed about my education and career, while my mother pushes me to work hard more often.

Thus, both my parents are represented by the 4th house in unique ways. Both my parents are represented by the 10th house too! These details will be different in each chart. Looking at the signs in our 4th house - 10th house axis, as well as the rulers (along with the aspects made by the rulers to other planets) is the key to understanding our familial dynamics 🗝🏠

Everyone’s family is unique and complicated. Therefore, its representation in the chart will be uniquely complex too! However, your family will be represented in your chart. Different family dynamics like single parents, stepparents, or absent parents will be shown in the chart too. These topics can get sensitive, so only dive as deep as you feel comfortable 🤿


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