My Story
I don’t remember many parts of my childhood. However I do remember thinking, on multiple occasions, that I want to HELP people. That word, ‘help’, has always had a profound meaning to me. I began reading Tarot in 2019. I had bought my deck a few years before that but never used it because it seemed ‘too complicated’ to me. When I started learning Tarot, I was in a weird phase of life. Along with Tarot, I also got into Astrology and Spirituality. These techniques helped me greatly. I used to feel powerless. In those moments, spirituality helped me realise that I DO have power. Astrology helped me understand myself better. Tarot helped me connect with the Universe and my intuition. Collectively, they made me feel supported and gave my life meaning. They filled a void that most of us have in our life. They helped me release a feeling of emptiness that used to prevail no matter what.
We often search for meaning in life. Turns out, meaning is everywhere. Both within and around us. Meaning exists THROUGH us. We are the vessel for magic! This is what I want to help people realise: Magic starts with us. We are the ones who use tools like Tarot or interpret systems like Astrology to experience magic. We are the ones who create our joy and manifest our dreams.
Spirituality helped me. And now I want to use spirituality to help others. I want to empower people to listen to their intuition and acknowledge their magic. I want to connect them with the Universe, through Tarot and Astrology. I have been practicing since 2019. I would be the happiest if you join me on this mystical journey!
Also, the witch drawing above is from my journal. It’s a mix of my art and my stickers! The logo has two rabbits to honour my two late pet rabbits :)
Here is a Tarot card that represents me and my vision:
This card is about a mystical realm. One where anything is possible. There are crystals for grass. You can fly on a broomstick. There are galaxies visible in the sky. Odd yet magical mist surrounds you. The street lamps glow with mini-universes. The flowers twinkle. The buildings are portals that lead you wherever you wish to be…✨ That’s the message I want to convey with my website: Anything you wish for is possible 🌠 Everything you dream of exists 🌌
An alternate name for this card would be POSSIBILITY 💫
I think the building could be a spiritual place of worship (not a specific religion) or even a school. It represents knowledge. Knowledge is the key to opening the doors of possibility 🗝 The flowing water represents our emotions 🐋 The streetlamp is glowing with bulbs that look like an entire Universe. Our whole Universe is connected through light 🕯And the centre-piece: the mist 🌫 It’s ambiguous for a reason. The mist shifts and swirls 🌀 It can become anything. The star within is our soul: one that can take any form! Again, the theme is possibility. What do you think is possible? 🌟
I have three versions of the mist, each representing one side of me. The purple swirls in the first one represent my Pisces placements. The second looks like a womb birthing a soul and it represents my Cancer placements. The third looks like waves of electricity: a shock of brilliance. It represents my Aquarius placements!